
Welcome to Abundant Life Coffee! We began ALC in 2012 as a way to get more involved in western Honduras with the added goal of helping families economically but in a sustainable way. We do this by purchasing their premium grade specialty coffee for prices that are more than only fair and export the unroasted green coffee to the Atlanta area.

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We then distribute the green coffee to several different specialty coffee roasters in the southeast U.S. But I suspect that most of you reading this aren’t roasting your own coffee.

Well, we have the solution for you. Our friends at Blue Donkey Coffee will fresh roast to order your Honduras coffee and ship it to your door. Order Abundant Life Coffee by selecting Honduras Lencas Cocatecal at Blue Donkey Coffee.


Yes, Blue Donkey is a strange name for a coffee company but when you visit their website to purchase our coffee you can learn the story of the Blue Donkey and much more! They have more than 25 years experience in the coffee industry, they are personal friends of ours, and are all around great people.

Let’s face it, most churches and offices are not known for their coffee. Well, more often than not they are known for their bad coffee unfortunately. If you’d like to change that and at the same time know that you are actually making a difference in people’s lives with your coffee purchase text or call Blue Donkey at 678-561-0138 to inquire about a wholesale roasted coffee program. They have the experience and expertise to custom design a program that will more than meet your needs and change your coffee reputation for the better.

And one last thing, if you are a specialty coffee roaster and are interested in giving our green coffee a try please go to the Contact Us page and send us a note; we’ll get back to you right away.