Adopt a Community

We recently recognized that we had allowed ourselves to become spread too thinly over the last couple of years. Spending too little time in too many communities is not leading to the kind of deep transformation that we know is possible when we work and serve closely and consistently with the local church\pastor, families, and community leaders.

So we have rolled out a new idea called Adopt a Community. We are still developing the detailed plan but the idea is for our partner churches to make a long term commitment to support one of these three communities. The support consists of short term mission teams returning to build on previous ministry, development of teaching and discipleship materials, assisting families and children with school supplies, etc.

While we believe that we are to concentrate resources in three specific communities in the near term we will continue to serve as much as possible in the other communities where we have helped start new churches. It is still our desire to continue to plant more churches but right now we are in a season of strengthening and encouraging the existing churches. God has reminded us that fewer healthier churches will make a greater impact than numerous unhealthy churches.

There are other communities we would love to have adopted but we need more partners. If you currently are not one of our church partners but would like to be please contact us. We promise you that you will be blessed to make real, personal connections with families in any one of the small communities where we serve. If you already are one of our church partners you can always adopt more than one.

Please visit the pages for Cruz Alta, Coalaca, and Mescalio to read the stories about how God has been working in these communities. As you are reading please prayerfully consider getting involved with us by adopting whichever community, or communities, God places in your mind and heart. Henry Blackaby, in his excellent book Experiencing God, wrote something very simple but profound; look for where God is at work and join Him. God is at work in these communities, we hope you will join Him with us.

If you would like more information about adopting a community please contact us.