Get Involved

Pray. Give. Go.

If you’ve had any exposure to global missions you have more than likely heard or seen these three words stated or written like this. To some who have been around for a little longer than others it may seem a little overused, perhaps even a bit cliche.

However, sometimes it is for good reason that a phrase becomes heavily used. These three words clearly identify what all of us can do to support global missions. All of us can pray, many of us can give, and some of us can go. Some of us can do all of these at the same time, or some of these at different times. But the main point is that all of us can do something to support global missions.

Every missionary you know needs your prayers and we are no different. Please commit to praying for us, for the pastors, churches, and families we serve. If you would like to commit to being one of our prayer partners, meaning that you will pray for us regularly, let us know. We will add you to our distribution so that you can always be aware of the prayer needs and things to praise God for from our part of Honduras.

Has the Lord blessed you in such a way that you can give of your financial resources? If so we ask you to prayerfully consider making a tax deductible gift to our ministry. You can make one-time or monthly donations on-line, or you can write and mail checks to Frontline Missions. To make donations on-line you can either leave this page and go to the donate page or click on the link below:

Donate Now

Can you go? Maybe you can travel to Honduras and give of your time and talents to serve with us. Giving is much more than money. As a matter of fact, for many, giving of time is a much bigger sacrifice. But the rewards far outweigh the cost. You will be changed by coming to Honduras to serve the Lord while serving others. Please prayerfully consider coming to Honduras. Contact us if we can answer questions or help you fulfill your calling to follow God to Honduras.