
How did we come to know Coalaca? We first met Pastor Jorge one day when Pastor Luis Chavarria, our mentor and missionary friend, along with us decided to see where “that road” went. After driving about 30 minutes we arrived in Caiquin. We stopped at a pulperia (small convenience store) to buy a drink and ask about the local churches and if a pastor lived close by. We were directed to Pastor Jorge. He and a couple of other guys were sitting on the steps of his house as we walked up. Luis introduced himself and us and just began a general exchange of pleasantries. It was a short visit and we believe we all walked away thinking, hmmm, I’m not quite sure about them. We did learn that Pastor Jorge was also a woodworker.

During the construction of our home, we needed someone to make the doors, windows and cabinets. This is when Pastor Luis suggested we contact Pastor Jorge. Pastor Jorge accepted the job and this was the beginning of building a trusting relationship between all of us. Isn’t it amazing how God works! So from the initial visit of all of us thinking the other a bit “sketchy” our relationship developed.

In 2015 Pastor Jorge introduced us to Coalaca. Coalaca is a small community about another 20 minutes up the road from Caiquin. Pastor Jorge had been discipling Pastor Arnaldo, the young man God has chosen as the pastor of a house church in Coalaca. Pastor Arnaldo and Pastor Jorge asked if we could help them build a church in Coalaca. So we all sat under a tree on the piece of property Pastor Arnaldo had donated for the building talking and praying for God’s direction. When it was time to leave, we all agreed we would continue to pray and seek God’s will about the church construction, but let us just say, we left there with such peace that we knew we should be helping. In March 2016, the Kentucky Oldham Trimble Baptist Association short term mission team came along side us and helped build the walls, floor and roof.  

Then we met Profe Hernan, the Coalaca School head teacher. February 2016 some other dear friends from One Heart Church from Atlanta had come to serve with us for a week. We had made plans to do children’s ministry in several communities but for some reason this one particular day all of our original plans were canceled. So for that one day we decided to drive up to Coalaca to introduce them to the community. While there we stopped at the school which is only a quarter mile from the new church. We introduced ourselves and explained to Profe Hernan why we were there and he invited us to come in and share with the kids. Profe Hernan loves the children of this community and wants them to learn and know the love of Jesus. We left Coalaca that day full of joy and peace and giving God the praise for taking us there. Since that day we have continued to serve this community through medical brigades, children’s ministry and pastor/leadership training. And, there is another story about the Coalaca children’s coat drive for another time. 

By taking the time to get to know Pastor Jorge, Pastor Arnaldo, Profe Hernan, and the children in Coalaca God is opening more doors for us to serve and share His love in this community. Will you pray for God’s guidance for us as we serve, but most of all, that we bring glory to God? Will you pray for God to reveal if He has a plan for you to adopt Coalaca?

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4 (NIV)